Ark Nova


Availability: 1 in stock


Ark Nova from Capstone Games provides you with the opportunity to create a modern Zoo by building pens, populating them with animals, building attractions and rides, gaining sponsorships, partnering up with other zoos from across the world and finally releasing animals back into the wild!

The game includes 1 larger central gameboard, 1 association board, 8 double sided player mats, 255 playing cards, 129 wooden pieces, and more than 250 cardboard tokens and tiles.  

Each card used in this game is unique and may provide you with opportunities to improve your zoo’s reputation, income, or conservation ranking. The games end is triggered when one players conservation marker goes past their income marker, travelling in the opposite direction.  

The Build action allows you to construct an empty enclosure in your Zoo, ready to be populated by an animal. The stronger the card the bigger the enclosures.  

The Animal Action allows you to place new animals in your empty enclosures. You can even play two animals if this card is in the strongest position.  

The Cards action allows you to draw new cards into your hand.  

The Sponsorship card allows you to take on new sponsors who might provide more income or discounts on certain animals.

The Association card allows you to send one of your workers to the Association Board which could provide you with partnership opportunities with Zoos from different continents, the assistance of universities, and the ability to complete conservation projects and score big points.  

All of these cards can be upgraded during the game.


Players: 1-4 players

Time: 90-150 mins

Age: 14+